Articles presentation
Technical session – Scientific article presentation and live debate
Dia 03 Dezembro| December 3rd
10:30 – 11:00 Brazil | 13:30 – 14:00 UTC | Check your time zone here
Idiom: English

Scientific articles for this session
[8] Design for other species: Australian examples
Mariano Ramirez
Recognizing that most design solutions are human-centered, this study focuses on the agency of design to serve the needs of other living things and the broader ecosphere. Promising examples of non-anthropocentric innovations in Australia were collected; 12 were selected and written as mini case studies, and then analyzed using the lens of Metcalfe’s principles of Multispecies Design. The research concludes that designing practical innovations that have benefits for other species as well as for humans is possible and shows potential in meeting biodiversity goals.
[80] Principles and approaches for a Non-Antropocentric Design
Aguinaldo dos Santos
This paper reports the preliminary results of an ongoing investigation at the Design & Sustainability Research Center of Paraná Federal University into a more effective contribution of Design regarding climate change. It focuses on the new paradigm of a post-anthropocentric design. Its content is the result of a literature review and a reflection on action design research developed during the preparation for a remote workshop carried out in São Paulo, Brazil. The challenge was developing pos-anthropocentric solutions for Buenos Aires Park, where nine of the ten clients were non-humans. The paper presents a set of five pos-anthropocentric design principles, illustrated with human and non-human requirements and preliminary design propositions.
[44] Design for Amelioration: Framework of Design for Sustainability tool
Pierre Yohanes Lubis
Design for Sustainability (DfS) tools are used adjacent to a design process to determine the sustainability level of the proposed solution be it a product, service, or a combination of both. A DfS tool must assess all three pillars of sustainability: people, planet, and profit. Different types of DfS tools are cataloged and compared and the findings show that many of them are underdeveloped while others are still in a theoretical stage. Some underperform in one or two pillars of sustainability thus can only be categorized as partial DfS tools. These tools are then fitted into the framework of the human-centered design process due to its focus on the people pillar of sustainability which is often overlooked. While many tools are suitable to be used in one particular stage of a design process, analysis shows that only a small number of them are comprehensive enough to be used throughout the entirety of the design process. The versatility of different DfS tools is deemed essential because it allows designers to keep track of their projects at any point in the design process. A framework for a more comprehensive DfS tool is then proposed, called Design for Amelioration, with which designers assess the sustainability level of all pillars of sustainability at every stage of the design process.