VIII Simpósio de Design Sustentável
+ Sustainable Design Symposium
1st, 2nd and 3rd December | Online
Curitiba, Brazil
One of the main events in the field of Design for Sustainability in Brazil
During the three days of the event, we will have a wide range of activities
aimed at promoting the sharing and debate of ideas and practices,
including round tables, technical sessions, lectures, virtual exhibitions and book launches.

New Paradigms
Novos Paradigmas
Monica Moura
UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista
Claudia Zacar
UFPR – Universidade Federal do Paraná
Day 01 – Keynote in Portuguese

Social Dimension
Dimensão Social
Raquel Noronha
UFMA – Universidade Federal do Maranhão
Nadja Mourão
UEMG – Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais
Day 01 – Keynote in Portuguese

Environmental Dimension
Dimensão Ambiental
Germanya Silva
UFPE – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Débora Baraúna
UNISINOS – Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
Day 02 – Keynote in Portuguese

Economic Dimension
Dimensão Econômica
Ivo Pons
Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
André Oliveira
ESDI – Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial UERJ
Day 02 – Keynote in Portuguese

Sustainable Behaviour
Comportamento Sustentável
Lara Penin
USA – Parsons School of Design
Jan Carel Diehl
Netherlands – TU Delft
Day 03 – Keynote in English

Pluriversal Design
Frederick Van Amstel
BRAZIL – Federal University of Technology of Paraná
Lesley-Ann Noel
USA – North Carolina State University
Day 03 – Keynote in English

Pos-Anthropocentric Design
Design Pós-Antropocêntrico
Liam Fennesy
Martin Tironi
CHILE – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Day 03 – Keynote in English

Design Book Fair
Check out participating Brazilian publishers and coupons on the fair’s website.