Articles presentation
Technical session – Scientific article presentation and live debate
Dia 03 Dezembro| December 3rd
11:00 – 11:30 Brazil | 14:00 – 14:30 UTC | Check your time zone here
Idiom: English

Scientific articles for this session
[63] Ethical and sustainable fashion initiatives in India and Australia
Mariano Ramirez, Veena Rao and Simi Mathew
Clothing is a basic human need, but contemporary clothing production, consumption, and disposal have been so rapid that the fashion industry has been deemed to be amongst the most polluting in the world. This paper investigates ethical and sustainable fashion initiatives in two countries: India, which is one of the world’s largest producers of ready-made garments, and Australia, which is the world’s largest per-capita consumer of apparel. Several innovative approaches were found amongst exemplary businesses in both countries. The paper concludes with some suggestions on business models that could further reduce the negative impacts of the global textiles and apparel industry.
[12] Product-service system for sustainability: reflections from an application on the fashion sector
Karla Scherer, Marcella Lomba and Aguinaldo dos Santos
The pandemic caused by COVID-19 deepened the economic and social discrepancies throughout the world, especially in developing countries that presented severe difficulties in controlling and combating the virus, such as Brazil. It resulted in an increasing number of people in situations of social vulnerability. The fashion industry has suffered harsh consequences due to the confrontation and combat of the coronavirus. This article describes how a sustainable fashion company guided by the Ecodesign strategy can offer more equity and social cohesion to women in vulnerable situations. Through this perspective, companies could collaborate to reintegrate these women into remote working activities, recovering their self-esteem and supporting local culture. This article aims to share the identified barriers and highlight recommendations for companies that seek to contribute socially with artisans in situations of social vulnerability. This research concludes by proposing design guidelines, resulting from the application of the Design Science method and oriented to services for sustainability to create or adapt services during and after the pandemic, aiming at a better balance between equity and social cohesion for local community groups.
[61] Product service systems: some Philippine examples
Mariano Ramirez
Product service systems (PSS) have the potential to radically reduce the negative environmental impacts of wasteful consumption. An inventory of existing solutions in the Philippines was carried out to inspire entrepreneurs and innovators with alternative ways of needs fulfilment that are less ownership-centric, and to offer new forms of added value to consumers via everyday solutions that can be more ecologically beneficial. The search encompassed cases of collaborative consumption lifestyles, redistribution markets, and the circular economy.