Pluriversal Design
Palestra e debate ao vivo | Keynote and live debate
Dia 03 Dezembro| December 3rd
14:00 – 15:30 Brazil | 17:00 – 18:30 UTC
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Session in English

Prof. Dr. Frederick Van Amstel
BRAZIL – Federal University of Technology of Paraná
Bacharel em comunicação (UFPR – 2005) e mestre em tecnologia (UTFPR – 2008), doutorado na Universidade de Twente (2015). É professor do Departamento Acadêmico de Desenho Industrial (DADIN) da UTFPR. Seus temas de interesse incluem: Design de Interação, Interação Humano-Computador, Design Participativo, Inovação Social, Inovação Aberta, Design Especulativo, Jogos Sérios e Visualização de Dados.
Graduated on Communication (UFPR – 2005); MSc on Technology (UTFPR – 2008); PhD in Design at Universidade de Twente (2015). He is a professor at the Industrial Design Academic Department of UTFPR. His current research investigates designerly approaches to overcome oppression and contradiction in the present, past and future society.

Prof. Dra. Lesley-Ann Noel
USA – North Carolina State University
Ela é graduada em Desenho Industrial pela Universidade Federal do Paraná; realizou seu MBA na University of the West Indies, em Trinidad e Tobago, e doutorado na North Carolina State University em 2018. Ela é atualmente professora adjunta na North Carolina State University, Estados Unidos. Coordena o Grupo de Trabalho em Design Pluriversal, na Design Research Society. Seus interesses de pesquisa tratam do tema da emancipação, focando nas perspectivas daqueles que tradicionalmente estariam excluídos da pesquisa, do aprendizado baseado no Design e no Design Thinking. Ela atua primariamente nas áreas de inovação social, educação e saúde pública.
She has a BA in Industrial Design from the Universidade Federal do Paraná, in Curitiba, Brazil.She has a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of the West Indies inTrinidad and Tobago. She earned her PhD in Design from North Carolina State University in 2018. She is an Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University, USA, and co-Chair of the Pluriversal Design Special Interest Group of the Design Research Society. Lesley-Ann’s research interests are emancipatory research centered around the perspectives of those who would traditionally be excluded from research, community-led research, design-based learning and design thinking. She practices primarily in the area of social innovation, education and public health.